Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sports Photography

My true passion is sports photography. Everything from European futebol to Rally races.  The ability to capture that one amazing shot. That takes a true photographer. The ability to know when to shoot, to get that one great shot. 
Most photographer's have told me that they take hundreds of photos before they get that one great shot. 
Here are samples of my work. Let me know what you think. Your opinion would be greatly appreciated.

This game was at Yankee Stadium. Manchester City -vs- Liverpool.
One of Liverpool's famous quote " You will never walk alone"

This is one of my favorite shots. (image below)

Red Bull Global Rallycross Race - Nassau Coliseum 


  1. Some very good photography here. Sports photography is tough. You need just the right equipment (the best telephoto lenses you can afford) and unlimited access (hard to get unless you are hired to shoot the event) and an intimate understanding of the sport itself so you can be at the right place at just the right time. Excellent work here. And a very good post. Enjoyed the dog photos too!

  2. You captured some really great moments... I especially like the images of the Rallycross race.
